Processing Aid
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Processing Aid—Tackifier Resins
Chemical Composition C5 Petroleum Resin
Appearance Light yellow particles
Softening point 100±5℃
Features C5 petroleum resin is an aliphatic petroleum resin widely used in tire rubber compounding.
It has good compatibility and is compatible with natural tackifying resins (such as terpenes, rosin and its derivatives).
It can play the following roles in rubber mixing:
1. Significantly improve the viscosity of raw rubber, but does not affect its vulcanization time and physical properties after vulcanization
2. It softens and strengthens during processing, and improves extensibility and peel resistance
3. Avoid adhesion to processing machinery
4. Help distribute filling material evenly
Usage 2~5PHR
Seeds Suitable for elastomers such as natural rubber (NR), synthetic rubber, polyethylene, SIS, SEBS, EVA, etc.
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